“On Tuesday 20 October a ‘Database of Cancer Uncertainties’ (DoCU) went live on the NICE website. The database will collate details of the major gaps in evidence which are identified during guidance development. These evidence gaps can then be promoted as research priorities to prospective research funders.
Uncertainties in guideline development are common; it is rare that all aspects of the management of a condition are supported by high-quality research evidence. In some circumstances the research has not been done. In other circumstances the research may have been done but it is methodologically flawed or inconclusive.
The database will provide a tool to bring these uncertainties together and allow them to be prioritised. The prioritisation process will include input from patients and clinicians. The prioritised uncertainties can then be promoted to research funders across the EU. Tracking mechanisms will be developed to avoid duplication of effort and identify ongoing clinical trials. This project will complement and link with the other tools NICE has produced relating to research recommendations and uncertainties.”
Fulll report and further details are available on the NICE Newspages