OA International Open Access Week  (21st to 27the October) will soon be upon us and is a chance to catch up with the latest developments and to reflect on how far things have come and where the OA movement is taking us next. Swansea University staff can take advantage of two talks being held during this week to find out more about it:

Monday 21 October (12 to 2pm) SURF Room, Fulton House.   Open Access: From Biomed Central to F1000 Research. Rebecca Lawrence (Faculty of 1000)  will talk about the developments in OA publishing from the early days of BioMed Central to the success of PLOS and the most recent developments of open peer review, open data, and F1000Research.  

Swansea researchers will find this a fascinating insight into the world of Open Access publishing and will have a chance to consider the latest developments and how they might benefit or impact upon their research in terms of  publishing, impact and profile.

To book email: c.boucher@swan.ac.uk   Buffet lunch will be provided.

Wednesday 23 October (12 to 1pm) APECS, Training Room A, Grove. Open Access: Green? Gold? Confused? Caroline Rauter and Michele Davies(ISS) will be talking about the changing landscape and the impact of research openness beyond academia. They will also be explaining the role of ISS in supporting researchers using the Gold OA route. 

To book email: dts@swansea.ac.uk