A one day workshop to learn about tools that can help you to promote yourself and achieve the best visibility for your research including:
- What can be counted about you? Citations, altmetrics and a look at the new Scival tool
- Your online identity – researcher profiles including ORCID, Google Scholar and our university systems (Cronfa, RIS & staff web pages)
- Online networking and social spaces for researchers
The day will be a mix of presentations, discussion and a chance to try some of the tools for yourself. Lunch will be provided. We will be running the workshop on the following dates – please click to book a place!
Wed 13th May (9.30-3.30pm)
Fri 19th June (9.30-3.30pm)
For more information, contact us on iss-research@swansea.ac.uk
I hope this workshop looks into http://www.impactstory.org. Such a great tool! And no, they’re not paying me to say this 😉
We will certainly mention it but unfortunately we can’t emphasize it as much as we would have done once as not everyone will have the means to pay for the service. We generally focus on tools that are free for our staff to use (either the uni pays the sub or free for all on the web).
Fair enough. I hope the university will consider subscribing to Impactstory in future, as it integrates really well with ORCID and Google Scholar. Best of all, it’s open source!