If you are looking for ways to promote your research, the web service Kudos is a free option to try: https://www.growkudos.com/. See an example of Kudos for an article or another example by Swansea University’s Louise Miskell.
Here’s a short video which explains what Kudos offers:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoQE4exULhM&w=560&h=315]
In a nutshell the advantages of Kudos are:
- “Explain” = a user-friendly page to contextualize and promote an article or book, re-wording its content in a more accessible format (“What it’s about”, “Why it’s important”) and linking to any additional resources (blog posts, videos etc.) = “Enrich“. For example, if an article is available open access on Cronfa then that could be an additional link to include.
- “Share” this page with your networks, via email or on a website/blog. This step is critical: you will need to get the page out to the world in order to reap the benefits!
- Use Kudos to “measure” activity around the publication: see this video for further details on what stats Kudos can provide.
The value of Kudos relies on the researcher taking the time to enrich a Kudos page for a publication and then promote the resulting page to an existing network. It could be a useful tool for promoting papers for maximum impact – the ability to provide a layperson’s version is particularly useful. Opinions welcome in the comments!