
As you are (hopefully) aware, a new Research Information System (RIS) is currently under development. A blended team with colleagues from across IT Services, Library and the REF Team have been working to build a new system ahead of submission to REF in November 2020.

The team have met with a number of academic and professional service staff through a series of workshops to outline requirements and prioritise accordingly. To-date, work has been undertaken to:

  • Create an output
  • Add an output using a DOI
  • Add an output using ORCiD
  • Add accompanying documents to outputs
  • Publish to Cronfa
  • Select items for REF
  • Upload an Environment narrative or Impact Case Study.

Further development work will take place over the coming weeks and migration to the new system is being explored. To confirm, the Outputs Mini-REF for 2019 will be run from the current RIS.

Feedback and get involved

Colleagues are welcome to come and view the current stages of development in Faraday, Singleton or to attend bi-weekly showcase meetings where the development team demo the new system, to provide an opportunity for colleagues and inform future developments. If you would like to join this session in person or via an online call, please contact Andrew Burrows:

We will of course keep you up-to-date on progress and training will be provided should the changes to the system necessitate this.


Guest post by Laura Bailey, Senior Project and Change Officer.
Image credit: Pexels via Pixabay CC0