Research Information System (RIS)

Image: Listening by Pixabay

Firstly we would like to thank you for your patience during the last couple of weeks as we work through some of the bugs within the new Research Information System (RIS). Despite much planning, user testing and two pilots of the system, some issues have been found and we apologise for the inconvenience this has caused. We are working through these as soon as we can and further updates on some common issues can be found below.

Please continue to use the feedback tab on the right of any page within RIS to provide feedback or raise queries with the team. We are responding to all queries to acknowledge receipt and to confirm once issues have been resolved.

The development team have been working hard to resolve as many queries as quickly as possible.

To date, the following issues have been resolved:

Issue Resolution Date fixed
Internet explorer not showing outputs Development work undertaken to address this issue 25th October 2019
Dates appearing incorrectly A new date format has been used and dates now appear as 14 Sept 2019 or 22 Dec 2019 24th October 2019
Issues with information pulling to Cronfa and items missing This was due to a firewall issue, which has now been updated 1st November 2019
UoA Lead admin access not available A fix for this has been identified and implemented 7th November 2019

If you have any further problems regarding the above issues, please do contact us through the feedback tab.


Author ordering and citations. Work is ongoing to add information on co-authors from old RIS to ensure full citation information is available. Once this development work is complete, this will then feed the information on Cronfa and staff profiles to ensure all information is correct.

REF Officer cannot view exceptions. Work is ongoing to ensure that REF Officers have access to Open Access exceptions.

GPA calculator for admins. Work is underway to ensure the calculations in the GPA calculator are correct.

We will also be undertaking work to:

  • Improve the navigation around RIS, e.g. if you undertake a search your results will be held whilst you click in and out of outputs
  • Provide additional information within downable reports
  • Ensure ORCiD details are pulling into the system correctly.

Please accept our apologies again for the inconvenience caused by the bugs in the new system. We are working through these as quickly as possible. As mentioned above, please continue to feedback or raise any queries through the feedback tab and a member of the team will be in touch.