Why is this research being carried out?
Governments at both the UK and Wales level have identified that the well-being of carers is going to be essential for looking after an ageing population. However, identifying what this means for carers is inconsistent and not agreed upon. This research will be used to inform policy development and service delivery going forward and is approved by Research Ethics Committee, College of Human and Health Sciences, Swansea University.
Who is it about?
The purpose of the research is to develop a better understanding of what well-being really means for family carers with a focus on those caring for someone over 50. If you are caring for someone aged over 50 we would like to hear from you.
What does it involve?
The research involves a telephone conversation with a researcher who will ask you about yourself and the person or people you care for. You will then be invited to participate in a more structured interview, focus group or both depending on your time commitments.
Both the interview and the focus group will concentrate on discussing questions about your understanding of well-being and what this means to you. In total, the process should not take more than 3 hours to complete. A £10 gift token is offered to all participants as a thank you for taking part.
Where is it taking place?
Focus groups will take place at locations across South Wales with specific venues being decided to accommodate those interested. Date and times will be discussed and agreed upon during the initial interview. All reasonable travel and subsistence expenses will be covered and refreshments will be provided on the day.
If you would like to find out more or take part in the research please contact the researcher at the contact details below:
Maria Cheshire-Allen, PhD candidate, Centre for Innovative Ageing
- Email: m.cheshire-allen@swansea.ac.uk
- Telephone number 01792 295886
- Post: Room 18 Haldane Building, Singleton Campus, Swansea University SA2 8PP