The Library Research Support Team (Anna, Ellie and Caroline) are working remotely and are still available to support Swansea University researchers with queries about Research Outputs in RIS & Cronfa, Open Access, Publishing, Copyright, Open Research, Research Impact, E-Thesis Deposit, Post-graduate training etc.
You can get in touch during normal office hours via ISS-Research@swansea.ac.uk, see our resources via the webpages www.swansea.ac.uk/library/researchsupport/, or follow our Twitter feed @SULibResSupport
If you would like to talk directly, then we can use Zoom or TEAMS. Please contact us to arrange a suitable time for an online meeting.
Meanwhile in other news…
Our open access APC online form is currenly closed but should be back up and running after April 1st when we expect new funds to support requests for financial support for UKRI supported research.
The recent update to the Research Information System (RIS) still figures quite prominently in our workflow and we are working closely with the developers as tweaks and final development moves towards a close at the end of March. If you want to report issues you can still use the ‘Feedback’ tab on the RIS screen.
We have a couple of new(ish) Research Publishing webpages called ‘Steps to Open Research’ and ‘Do you want to publish an Open Access journal? Publish with us‘. If you would like to discuss the options around your academic journal proposal, fill out a form and one of the Digital Humanities Team will get in touch. They are also there to support researchers with data management enquiries via research-data@swansea.ac.uk
We are also working on a ‘Handbook for Open Research’, so watch this space.
If you or any colleagues need copyright support as you develop your new Canvas VLE modules or move teaching content online – get in touch.