JISC – PLOS Flat Fee Arrangement 2021

From January 1 2021 until December 31 2023 publication fees for open access will be automatically covered by the flat fee publisher agreement with Swansea University Library for the following titles:
PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Pathogens, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases and PLOS ONE.
To be eligible for full payment of publications fees, the corresponding author must be affiliated with Swansea University. Please ensure that you use your Swansea University email address and identify your affiliation in the publisher submission system.
- All article types in the five eligible journals are covered under the flat fee deal.
- Articles will be automatically published with a Creative Commons CC-BY Attribution license. PLOS articles are archived in LOCKSS and syndicated to PubMed Central/EuropePMC. PLOS requires data sharing where not subject to legal or ethical restrictions and has adopted the CRediT taxonomy.
PLOS reserves the right to accept or reject applications for financial support. If PLOS or the institution choose to reject the payment for Article Processing Charges (APCs), PLOS will invoice the authors individually, who retain full payment responsibility.
Further details on all open access publisher agreements and discounts for Swansea University researchers are listed on our Open Access Financial Support for APCs webpage.
Go to the recent PLOS blog on APC-free Open Access Agreement