ORCID, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars that is open, non-proprietary, transparent, mobile, and community-based. ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier to distinguish you from all other researchers, automatically linking your professional activities.  It only takes 5 minutes to register and record your ORCID.

  • Funding organisations like the U.S. NIH, Wellcome Trust, and Portuguese FCT are requesting ORCID iDs during grant submission.
  • Publishers such as Nature and Elsevier are collecting ORCID iDs during manuscript submission, and your ORCID iD becomes a part of your publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you.
  • Universities and research institutes such as Harvard, Oxford, Michigan, University of Glasgow, University College London and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) encourage ORCID adoption; many are creating ORCID iDs for their faculty, postdocs and graduate students.
  • Professional associations like the Society for Neuroscience and Modern Language Association are incorporating ORCID iDs into membership renewal.

What you should do:

  1. Claim your free ORCID iD at http://orcid.org/register . It only takes two minutes to register. How-to-video
  2. Record your ORCID iD (e.g. 0000-0002-6791-2886) in ABW under the ‘Research Submissions’ tab, this takes 3 minutes.  How-to-video
  3. Use your ORCID wherever you see it:  HR systems, applications for grants, publication submission, Impactstory, Figshare and more. Learn more at http://orcid.org.
  • Put your ORCID in your email signature so you don’t have to remember it or where you put it.
  • Link your ResearcherID and Scopus Author Identifier
  • Import your research outputs and add biographical information using automated import wizards

PG and PhD students, early new researchers and even UG students (if they are conducting work which may be published) are encouraged to register early in their careers to achieve the maximum benefit of this scheme.

Want to know more?  Here are 10 things you should know about ORCID by Impactstory.  If you have any questions about ORCID you can contact Rebecca r.kelleher@swansea.ac.uk , Information Services & Systems.