Browzine allows you to browse many of the journals subscribed to by Swansea University in one single easy platform. You can access it online at or you can download an app to use it on your mobile device.
When you go into Browzine you can choose to search for a journal or browse titles for your subject. If you sign up for an account you can set up bookshelves of the journals you want to keep up with so that you can access them quickly. This will sync across your mobile devices as well so could be useful for reading on the train! You will receive an email when new content is added to your chosen journals.
When browsing a title you can expand an article to see the options below. You should be able to click through to full text for most titles if you find an article you are interested in.
You can bookmark articles you have found useful which you will be able to access through My Articles or export citations to reference managers like EndNote and Mendeley.
Browzine isn’t the best tool for searching for articles on a particular subject but it is a handy way to keep up with the latest articles. Give it a try and see if it works for you.