Research Councils UK have published their Strategic Vision This document sets out the themes and priorities for 2011 to 2015.  It addresses:

  • Research to address societal changes
    • Digital Economy, Energy, Global Food Security, Global Uncertainities, Lifelong Health & Wellbeing, Living with Environmental Change.
  • RCUK’s relationship with HE sector
    • Wakeham Review & full economic costings; managing demand for research funding;  allocating funding to research that addresses strategic priorities; encouraging the sharing of estates costs and the sharing of resources…
  • Research
    • Funding people & projects; training for a highly-skilled workforce, economic growth and sustainability of the research base; facilities and infrastructure.
  • Impact
    • Increasing our economic and societal benefits; choosing our research priorities; embedding impact; the evidence base of impact.
  • Partnerships
    • Working with the Technology Strategy Board; working with government departments; global partnerships; partnerships with society.