The Department of Research and Innovation will be welcoming the Technology Strategy Board and Ruskinn Technology Limited to Swansea to provide a seminar and case study on developing KTPs in the ‘advanced manufacturing’ and ‘life science’ sector.

When: Friday 4th March 9.30 a.m. to 11am, registration and refreshments from 9.15am

Where: Institute of Life Science, seminar room, 1st floor

Agenda:  Howard Nicholls from the Technology Strategy Board will provide an introduction to KTPs and the future strategy of the TSB with regards to partnerships.

 Ali Parker from Department of Research and Innovation who will discuss how Swansea University supports KTPs and the process of submitting an application.Colin Lucas and Brendan Wilson from Ruskinn will present a case study of a current KTP between Ruskinn Technology Limited and the Colleges of Medicine and Engineering.

Who will benefit from attending? Anyone interested in applying for a KTP, undergraduates and graduates, support staff, business contacts are also welcome to attend!

Next Steps: to enrol please reply to  , please let us know if your business contacts require parking

Future Seminars:

3rd March between 11am and 12.15pm – NERC (Seminar room, 7th floor Faraday Tower)

16th March between 12 pm and 1.30pm – Research Council UK Pathways to Impact (SURF room, Fulton House)