Those of you who use Web of Science for your research may be interested in the following developments:
- There will be changes in the way open access is flagged up to distinguish gold final versions from green ones. Also they will be marking hybrid open access papers as open access which has not been possible before.
- Web of Science are working in partnership with Impact Story and have bought Publons which allows peer reviewers to get credit for their work.
- Emerging Sources Index – this indexes journals which do not yet meet all the Web of Science standards but are still peer reviewed and meet certain standards. It is included in the core package from 2015 onwards. You will search it as part of the Web of Science core collection but it can be filtered out using the Web of Science Index filter at the left of the screen.
- The citation report has been redesigned to have a clearer graphic.
- There is now a chrome extension which will allow you to jump from a word in chrome to do a search in Web of Science.
- The marked list has been expanded to hold up to 50,000 records.
- Accessibility has been assessed and there are some features, such as fixed menus rather than drop downs which are designed to improve the user experience.
- Web of Science will start indexing early access articles provided they are peer reviewed and accepted so that information is available earlier. They will be labelled early access until the full article appears. Initially these articles will not be taken into account for Journal Citation Reports though this will be considered after 2018.
- There is now a company library guide for Web of Science with tutorials, guides, etc.