Academic publishing can be a confusing place full of conflicting policies from your institution, your funders, and the journal publishers, unclear processes from submission to publication, and it can be difficult to know where to start.

So, we have arranged a series of sessions on Academic publishing every Wednesday at 11am via Zoom on a range of topics from how the landscape has developed, book publishing, to predatory journals and how research is measured. The Registration links below will take you to the event pages which have more details about the topics each session covers.

11th March – Academic Publishing Series: How the landscape is changing Register Here

17th March –  Journal Articles from Submission to Publication Register here

24th March – Publishing Academic Books with Prof. Amy Brown Register here

31st March – Predatory Journals: What are they and how can you tell Register here

7th April – Measuring Research: an introduction to Metrics Register here

For a full view of our upcoming training sessions, check out the ISS Research Support Calendar

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact Ellie, Research Librarian at