Swansea University library has a subscription to the SCOPUS database, a vast multidisciplinary index of academic materials. The database is straightforward to use for a search and will hopefully retrieve a substantial set of results for your topic. However, if you wish to identify which are the most influential articles for your topic, you can use the “Sort By” drop-down box to re-order your results and display the most-cited articles first:
When you have selected to view details of a particular article in SCOPUS, you can then click through to see details of all the articles that cite it:
There is then a further option to analyze this citation data:
You can then view the citation patterns according to these criteria:
- Year: see the pattern of citations over time
- Source: see which journal titles it was cited in
- Author: see which authors cited the article the most
- Affiliation name: see which institutions cited the article the most
- Country
- Document Type e.g. article, conference paper etc.
- Subject area
You can also export the citation data as a .csv file (suitable for use in Excel): the export file will only contain the data for the specific criteria you are viewing (e.g. Year).
For more information, see our Guide to Scopus for Researchers (PDF) and a general guide to using Scopus (PDF).