Updated Membership of REF Panels

HEFCE say that they have now completed the process of appointing panel members through the nominations received. An updated membership of the expert panels for 2011, where the criteria for the assessment will be set, has now been published...

Swansea represented on REF panels

Swansea University will be represented on 5 of the REF sub panels, a good representation for a university of our size. Profs Roger Owen, David Blackaby, Hilary Lappin-Scott and Judith Phillips will be on the expert panels for Civil Engineering, Economics, Business...

REF Panel Members Announced

Announcement on HEFCE website 21 Feb 2011 The REF team on behalf of the four UK funding bodies today announced the membership of the expert panels for the REF 2014. Membership of the panels comprises a balance of academic subject experts and those with expertise in...